Sunday, September 30, 2007

An Untitled Poem

If at first you don't succed,
try try try again, and again and again
If you think it is advice that you don't need,
don't ever read what I write again. ;)

There are three mentalities in this world,
the optimist, the pessimist and the confused realist
The first two give balance to the world,
while the third thinks as clearly as the mist

The pessimist is one who I usually cannot stand,
for he's the one who thinks he's never succeeding.
He is more negative than half the land,
And if his thought's came true, we'd be weeping.

The realist, like I said, is a confused one.
He is never sure if something is hopeful or hopeless.
He keeps repeating that his life is an honest one,
But, if this were a measure of honesty, the world would be crime-less.

At last, my personal favorite, the optimist.
He's the one who is always happy
The kind of person who enjoy's all of every life's twist
And like the poet, he's one cheerful chappy.

Now dear reader, you must surely wonder,
What was the first section of this poem for?
I assure you that it was not a blunder
For now u shall see what my intentions are.

Advice is something that everyone needs,
but it is you who chooses how to take it
The three mentalities all need advice indeed
and now you'll see how they accept it.

The pessimist perceives it as a flaw in himself,
he believes it to be our way of giving a hint.
He becomes over critical and over analytical about himself
and takes of on the path to change, albeit at a sorrowful sprint

The realist doesn't know what to make of advice
After all he's not decided between positivity and negativity,
So he ends up sitting on advice like a big sack of rice
And wonders what to do without a hint of his reality

To an optimist, advice is like a gift.
A way for others to show that they care,
It gives him a wondrous instant lift.
So, an optimist is the absolute best, i swear!.

-- Adithya

I am not sure if I need to add anything to this but If I feel like I will.

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